Judges :

Since the year 2002 we had several Judging classes with Dr. Mary Bancoroft for the first time in Iran . Thanks to her precious guidelines now we have a judges’ panel . Later we had the Hon. FinnGuinness and Dr. Nikolas Jung who kindly came to Iran and trained more judges. We also had the honour to have Dr. Marek Trela , Mrs. Annette Dixon and Mrs.Janet court as our instructor in the judges course in 2010 This promotion of knowledge was impossible without The Cooperation of Horse owners and Riders of Esfahan all horse lovers aknowledge their help and unconditional dedication.

National Judges

Listed since 2010

Mr. Babak Hariri

Mr. Mohammad Hanaei

Mr. Nematallalh jafar Yazdi

Mr. Farjad kheirandish

Mr. Sadra Jafar Yazdi

Listed since 2009

Mr. Saeed Beyg

Listed since 2007

Mr. Ali Sia Mansoori

Listed since 2002

Mr.Soheil Yousefnia

Mr. Samir Pourian Pour

Mr. Ali Esfahani

Mr. Soheil Sanati

Mrs. Homeira Shahabpour

Miss Shirin Salartash

Email us at: iranasilassociation@yahoo.com to reach our judges